
The link between Cellulite & Excess Weight

A common complaint of weight loss patients is the inability to reduce inches in specific areas (love handles, double chin, upper arms, etc…). It seems that no matter how much they alter their diet, the fat in those stubborn areas won’t budge. When this occurs, it may be the result of a sluggish lymphatic system.

Sometimes you carry weight in certain areas that you can’t seem to lose (upper arms, belly, thighs, neck…).
When that type of weight appears around your body, it may be the result of a sluggish lymphatic system.

The Lymphatic System

One of the lymphatic system’s main jobs is to remove debris and waste from the interstitial fluid in the tissues and cells. It’s a drainage system. If that system gets backed up a whole host of trouble ensues: weight gain, migraine headaches, joint pain, digestive issues, inflammation, and impaired cognitive ability, just to name a few.

The lymphatic system consists of a multitude of thin-walled vessels that transport fluid throughout the body. These vessels carry nourishment to tissues and carry away toxins including foreign particles and damaged cells. When this system becomes congested and unable to drain, it can prevent fat loss and contribute to the formation of cellulite.

The lymph system is found under the skin throughout the entire body.
The lymph system is found under the skin throughout the entire body.
Congested lymph flow is a major contributor to the formation of cellulite and excess weight.

Unblocking the System

Enhanced lymphatic flow facilitates weight loss as the lymph vessels are one of the primary routes which triglycerides enter general circulation as they are released from adipocyctes. By enhancing the rate at which triglycerides can enter general circulation & be used as metabolic substrate, weight loss will be accelerated.

Two ingredients which have been found to help with de-congesting the lymphatic system are deoxycholic acid & phosphatidylcholine, substances which aid in the breakdown and absorption of fat. These ingredients are best known for their appearance in aesthetic treatments such as MesoTherapy, LipoDissolve, and Kybella.

Contact Us!

Jung, T. W., Park, T., Park, J., Kim, U., Je, H. D., Kim, H. D., Cho, S. W., Abd El-Aty, A. M., Song, J. H., Kim, H. C., Shin, Y. K., & Jeong, J. H. (2019). Phosphatidylcholine causes adipocyte-specific lipolysis and apoptosis in adipose and muscle tissues. PloS one14(4), e0214760. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0214760

Tso, P., Lam, J., & Simmonds, W. J. (1978). The importance of the lysophosphatidylcholine and choline moiety of bile phosphatidylcholine in lymphatic transport of fat. Biochimica et biophysica acta528(3), 364–372. https://doi.org/10.1016/0005-2760(78)90025-5

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